Assignment: Surface and Appearance

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This assignment was shot for my current class, studio photography. We were asked to create a photograph by using the two words, surface and appearance, as well as using all of the technical aspects learned in class.

The photos seen above that have a tribal look to them, were shot with the idea in mind of ones appearance being hidden in shadow, which is the face that they let society see on an everyday basis, and the side of the face that is painted is the models true personality coming out, playing with the idea that not everything we see on the surface is what it appears to be.

The photographs and idea I ended up submitting to my professor are the ones with the model in the plastic bags. I loved this idea and it came to me as I watched someone sipping out of a taco bell cup. The idea that plastic bags are polluting our world and our animals always brings me down and I try my best not to use them for that reason. So for this photo, I thought by giving the model a lifeless look with the bags all over her body would bring that idea across to the viewer. Plastic bags blow…bring your own bag!

As you will learn through my posts, one of my loves in the environment and I enjoy creating awareness about it through my photographs.